Thursday, May 15, 2008


I'm feeling content today. I didn't win the caption contest (at least, if I did, I wasn't notified by the date specified in the rules!) And thus, my dream bike, (check out the video review) will remain that...a dream.

I'll admit that I struggle at times with being content. There's always the temptation to think, "Well, if I just made X much more money," or "If I only had this (fill in the blank) then I'd be happy." This sort of thinking ultimately is not very helpful as it fails to recognize all that I do have and all that God has blessed me with. What's more, is that it simply is not true. That thinking, even if we get X, leads to other thoughts of "if only...".

Would I love a Cervelo RS? I'm sure I would...but I don't need it. I'd rather be like Paul who was onto something when he wrote:

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:11-13)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Have I Mentioned

That I love Bart Campolo? Well I do. Check this out.

Jesus Shows Up

Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, I finally saw Juno. I have to say, I was disappointed. Every youth ministry mag, blog, message board etc. told me I had to see the film. I guess I can understand why; a movie about teens, teen pregnancy, abortion etc. Maybe my expectations were too high? (Though, I have to say I was disappointed that my wife picked Juno instead of Atonement or Before the Devil Knows You're Dead and so my expectations couldn't have been that high. Have any of my 5 readers seen Atonement or Before the Devil...? Leave me a review...I heard Before is supposed to be good, but it was some guy on the radio, so you never know.)

I think my biggest problem with the movie was that I didn't buy the characters. I'm a youth pastor and have been for a little over 10 years now. I've met hundreds (thousands, maybe) of teenage girls and of those hundreds, I've gotten to know...oh I don't know, many let's say, pretty well. I've never met a 16 year old like Juno was portrayed in the film. I didn't buy her dad and step-mom either. I didn't buy that idiot character Jason Bateman played. And, for all the running he did, Paulie Bleeker's legs were pretty unimpressive. (Though that, I admit, is being a bit nit-picky.)

The obvious question is why I didn't buy the Juno character. It wasn't that she was too confident, or too sarcastic, or too savvy but she was a little too much of all of those at the same time. That coupled with wondering if you can even do "want-ad" adoptions and thinking Jason Bateman's character was a loser, left me liking no one in the film. I mean, Juno (the character) was okay, but I can't say I cared all that much about her.

So, yeah, I was disappointed. Maybe I'm getting grumpy in my old age...I dunno.