Tuesday, June 02, 2009


So I'm reading one of those "college alumni magazine" (not my college) and there's an article highlighting their intramural sports program. One of the lines in the articles reads along these lines: Some of the intramural leagues are competitive and some are more for fun. This idea that less competitive = more fun is one of the most misunderstood notions in the entire world. Frankly, it's a complete crock. You hear people say it all the time, "Oh I don't care who wins, I just play for fun." That's bad, but worse is the, "Oh, I'm not really trying to win, I just play for fun." I mean, really, what fun is playing a sport if you aren't trying to win? Or, what's worse than playing a sport against someone who isn't trying to win? I mean, really, if it's "more fun" when you're not trying to win...DON'T PLAY!!! I just don't get it...and that a college magazine would perpetuate this nonsense is disturbing.

Maybe my blog isn't dead after all. I can't go out on this note.


Blogger Prayingmedic said...

Noooo...don't go - I just found your blog!!

I hope you hang in there. But do whatever God leads you to do. Keep the main thing the main thing.

1:21 PM  

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