Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Blessing and Cursing

It may have been my first day, I'm not 100% sure, but it was definitely early in my first year of seminary. (It's hard to remember these things when you're on the 10 year plan.) We were talking about blessing and cursing and my prof. made the comment that there is real power to our words when we bless...and when we curse.

I've always remembered that day in class, but somehow the truth of those words took some time to sink in. Over the last year or three, I've been more aware of the power of blessing.

I remember holding my new born daughter in my arms three years ago and quietly singing the benediction song I learned at CHIC '97 which used one of the familiar biblical blessings, "The Lord bless you and keep you..." I've sung that same song to my second daughter as well.

After a friend died, I gave his kids a ride to school one day a weekfor two years in order to help his widow out. Everyday when we would get to school I would bless them as follows, "The Lord bless you and keep you. Have a wonderful day at school. We love you all...good night now!" The good night part was just me being goofy, and it took them awhile to realize I said the same thing every day, but eventually they did. When they noticed, I remember telling them about the power of blessing and I'm not sure they were awake enough to catch my mini lesson, but that didn't matter to me. I know there's power there, and I used it to bless them and that's all that really mattered.

These days, my youth meetings end with a blessing. It feels good to bless my students and I'm convinced this blessing is good for them and benefits them in some way.


While I've been pondering the power of blessing these last few years, I've tended to ignore the power of cursing. (I remember my prof. saying something along the lines of, "When we curse, we align ourselves with evil." Ouch.)

I was listening to Toad the Wet Sprocket's Fear last night on my way home from hockey (which was more fun than usual.) I hadn't listend to Fear in some time. When I got to the song "Before You were Born" I remembered that this was a song I often skip. I decided to listen to it because I remember being drawn to it in an odd, visceral way. It's that third verse (chorus? I would think the chorus would begin with the title line, but the third stanza feels like a chorus.)

How can it happen that every time
You ask us this question the answer seems like a lie
You know what we're saying and you know what it means
And it's always sincere god knows
But it never gets through to where you need

Before you were born someone kicked in the door
There's no place for you here, stay back where you belong
Before you were born someone kicked in the door
You are not wanted here, stay back where you belong

God damn the people who left you in pain
God damn the father without face, without name
And God damn the lovers who never showed up
And God damn the wounds that show how deep a word can cut

Hearing the song again I remembered why I would skip it. It's not that I didn't like it, it's a powerful song. There's this sense of some righteous anger directed toward those who wronged "you," and yet that anger feels like it multiplies and begins to morph into something else... revenge, perhaps? "The father without face, without name," is not a good person, but would I really wish that God would damn this person? (If I would, I can't help but think I'm heaping coals on my own head as well.) In hearing the song, I enter in and the anger feels right and good for a moment. But soon it seems like it cuts something deep and I can't help but think my soul is hemorrhaging in some way.*

So, last night listening to Toad the Wet Sprocket, I was reminded of the power of cursing and I was reminded of an area of myself that needs purification...especially when engaged in some form of competition or home improvement projects. After all, our words have power. I was reminded of the power I have and the choice I have...bless or curse.

I skipped the rest of the track.

* This should not in any way be construed as a negative comment on Toad's song.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Good Blogging

Scot McKnight said, (or well, I guess he heard someone else say it, but he's in agreement anyway)

"one can either write a blog or read a blog, but one can’t normally be good at both. " (See this post.)

Let me tell, ya, I'm a great blog reader!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Best of?

It seems like I always forget that the New Year holiday always brings with it everyone's "best of" lists and other assorted lists. Of course once again I was reminded over the past week, several times over mind you, that this is the case. So, not to be left out...

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a best of , but here's a list of some books I read this past year that stood out.

Glittering Images by Susan Howatch
I ended up reading 4 or 5 Howatch books this year as she quickly became a favorite of mine. Glittering Images is the first I read and my favorite. It is the story that explores the struggle of identity, sin, and inner conflict told through the eyes of a young theologian. Couldn't put it down.

The Blind Side by Michael Lewis
Lewis, best known for his book Moneyball (which is a very interesting read) has written a book that is fascinating on many levels, from the impact of Lawrence Taylor on of the status of the left tackle in the NFL, to the struggles of children abandoned by their parents, to poverty, faith, politics of NCAA football, and so on. This one really does have something for everyone, not just sports junkies.

The Last Word and the Word After That by Brian McLaren
This one might belong in the 2005 list, but it's so good, I'll mention it here.

Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
This one might belong in the 2005 list too, but see above. If you listen to him on a regular basis there's not much that will be unfamiliar, but it's still worth the read. I suspect Sex God will be similar in that regard.

A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren
Read through this one again with a group of friends. Very thought provoking, as you'd expect from McLaren.

Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller
Well, I finally got around to this one. I liked Searching For God Knows What better, but this was still an enjoyable read.

Contemplative Youth Ministry by Mark Yaconelli
I've commented on this one in other posts. Check it out.

Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale by Frederick Buechner
This is one I had to read for a class. Short, but quite good.

Girls: A Novel by Frederick Busch
A disturbing, but compelling story. A friend recommended it to me and I'm glad I read it, though I can't say I loved it.

The Hidden Power of the Electronic Culture by Shane Hipps
Also commented briefly on this one in the blog. Well worth reading.

Letters From a Skeptic by Greg and Edward Boyd
The correspondence between a skeptic and his Christ following son. Another book assigned for a class, but one that is worth reading. File it under apologetics, but it doesn't read like a typical dry apologetics book.

You may wonder how McLaren's The Secret Message of Jesus failed to make the list. Well, it's only because I had to read it really fast (due to scheduling and library due dates) that I can't say I really read it, though I will get back to it. I liked what I did read though.

Speaking of libraries, just a reminder that libraries are a valuable tool. We don't have to buy every book we'd like to read.