Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Scot McKnight once said (correctly) that, in general, one is either a good blogger or good blog reader. It is rare to be good at both. As I've said before, I'm a GREAT blog reader. That said, I've decided not to give up blogging because it can be a good outlet for me (even though I usually only think about blog posts and never get to actually writing them.) Also, my goal never was and probably never will be, to gain a big following of readers, so there's no real need to put out a ton of content. (Or coherent content...you know, theology, music, Bruins, youth ministry, biking, softball...I tend to be all over the map.) I'm humbled that a few friends found my blog and still check in now and then, and always appreciate those who stumble onto my (very) humble blog and leave a comment.

I have decided to do my "year end" book list, even though I feel like I've read fewer books this year than usual. Until that post, I'll point my five readers to a couple of blogs that I enjoy, and maybe will even get around to adding these blogs to my "Blogs I Read" sidebar.

Fat Cyclist

This blog is pretty well known amongst those who are somewhat into cycling. Elden Nelson is the Fat Cyclist and his blog began four years ago as a way to keep friends and family updated on his quest to shed some pounds cycling. Bicycling Magazine described his blog well in this article,
He wrote humor, mostly, and came off as an unassuming Average Joe who happened to enjoy eight-hour mountain bike mud baths and burying his buddies, as well as haute couture. (See his post "Knee Warmers Are Stupid.")
Thus his blog rolled along until the day he discovered his wife's cancer had metastasized. In that same article Nelson is quoted as saying of his blog, "I could have kept writing solely about bicycling," Nelson says, "but that would have seemed fake."

Sadly, his wife Susan passed away in August, but the Fat Cyclist rolls on. (Check out the article linked above for more of his story.) Recently, Elden got a chance to do a full on training ride with Lance Armstrong. (See article here and his website for more.)

I was so pleased to read of Elden's ride with Lance. Elden has taken this tragedy that struck his family and turned it for good. He's raised lots of money for cancer research as well as to provide bikes for schools in Africa. In doing so, he's been a good example to his kids. It's nice to see him rewarded with a top of the line Trek Madone and a ride with Lance. I have no idea of his understanding/ belief in, God, but Elden has demonstrated the truth of being created in the image of God. God is one who turns evil for good, who redeems and who has the last word. Cancer does not have the last word in the Fat Cyclist's story and that is a beautiful thing.

Chase Fireflies

My friend Kristin is a great writer. She also has a newly designed website. Check it out.

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Blogger Kristin said...

Thanks for the plug, Brian!

I hopped over to the bicyclist's blog as well, based on your recommendation.

With zero interest in bicycling, it was still fascinating! Thanks for sharing.

9:14 PM  

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